Saturday, November 21, 2009

Texas House Speaker Issues Interim Charges Affecting Water Rights and Permitting

This week Texas House Speaker Joe Straus released the 81st Legislature's Interim Committee Charges pertaining to Texas House of Representatives Committees. The charges are varied, and few are unexpected. Interim charges represent the "task assignments" delegated by the Speaker to various House committees which are to be completed during the period between Legislative Sessions.

Of particular importance to water interests, water rights holders and water law attorneys in Texas are the Charges made to the House Committee on Natural Resources. That Committee is chaired by Rep. Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton.

The folllowing assignments are contained within Speaker Straus' charges to the House Natural Resources Committee:

1. Evaluate groundwater regulations and permitting processes throughout the state,
including the role of state agencies in groundwater management, the development of desired future conditions, and the adoption of groundwater management plans in relation to regional and state water planning.

2. Monitor the effects of current and proposed federal initiatives that could impact
the implementation of the State Water Plan. Evaluate the policies and investments developed by other states dealing with water issues similar to the State of Texas.

3. Monitor ongoing drought conditions and initiatives to promote water conservation
through the review of the following: state requirements for the submittal of water
conservation plans and annual reporting; the "trigger" for use of drought contingency plans; recommendations by state agencies and the Water Conservation Advisory Council; and progress toward the development of recycled water resources and desalination projects.

4. Evaluate the regulatory model for investor-owned water and sewer utilities, including rate case process and timing, consultant fee recovery, overall cost reductions, and more effective consumer participation.

5. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.

1 comment:

Advocatus Dei said...

Economic development in the American South West and Mexico is hindered by lack of fresh water supplies that can only be addressed by massive WATER imports from CANADA.

Senator John McCain stated in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, on June 20, 2008, when asked about water exports from Canada

"water exports will be the defining issue of the 21st century"

The right of the United States to import fresh water from Canada was acquired with the Free Trade Agreement but due to political corruption in CANADA and, especially BRITISH COLUMBIA, the Canadian Government broke the Agreement.

Recently disclosed internal government documents prove the British Columbia government intentionally violated the FREE TRADE AGREEMENT / NAFTA and the GATT

These documents are now posted online for the first time at

These documents also lend credence to and support the claim for arbitration against CANADA by SUN BELT WATER INC. under Chapter 11 of the NAFTA.


The political corruption in Canada surrounding bulk water exports is now emerging in a lawsuit in Canada's Federal Court that the Canadian media is under instructions not to write about.
Seven judges linked to this lawsuit and the water export political corruption suddenly dropped dead as their crimes were exposed and they became a liability to insiders. This is a true story that reveals the dark side of Canada and expalins why water has not been delivered to the United States as promised under NAFTA


Trey Wilson: Texas Water Lawyer -- Texas Groundwater Permit and Water Rights Attorney

Trey Wilson: Texas Water Lawyer -- Texas Groundwater Permit and Water Rights Attorney
Trey Wilson -- Texas Water Lawyer, Groundwater Permit and Water Rights Attorney